Monday, July 28, 2008

Why Aren't Weekends Relaxing?

Seems that once the weekend rolls around there should be some down time…time to get rested, relaxed and ready for the next week. But that just doesn’t ever happen! I had a nasty migraine on Friday that caused me to miss work.

I still had to make a covered dish to take to the pot luck at Linn Valley to feed military visitors and their families who came for Community Days. I cheated and made a tomato salad (cubes of fresh tomato, finely diced onion with low cal Italian salad dressing poured over the top). Must have been good, one gal came by and wanted to know my recipe because her husband loved it. Those who have eaten my cooking know that most times no one is ever going to ask for my recipe!! It's hard to mess up fresh tomatoes though.

We were up early Saturday morning and I hurried to the Community Center where I was put to work making BBQ beef sandwiches for the lunch sales. After an hour and a half of that I drove one of the other volunteers to the Club House to retrieve her car, then raced back to the Community Center to sell raffle tickets. I was relieved from the raffle table after about an hour so I could go judge the hot dog eating contest. Luckily it wasn’t a hot dog puking contest and Jonathan won with 5 dogs and buns downed in 5 minutes. The other guy only got down 3 and looked a little green. It was close to 100 degrees so that might have had something to do with his unhealthy color.

Right after that, the big Chanook helecopter took off. I was within 50 feet of it and got good video with my phone camera. After it got up off the ground about 25-30 feet, the wind gusts from the rotars were so strong they almost knocked me down! I'll post the video here later.

At 3:30 we started the tear down and clean up, so by 4:30 when we got back to our house, we were beat! Wally shampooed the carpets in the kids’ rooms and they came out decent. Now I just need to patch the nail holes, sand and paint Alex’s room, and fix the plaster in the corners of Heather’s room, spray bleach on the ceiling and wall where the roof leaked, sand and paint. Hopefully I can get that done this week so over the weekend we can get their furniture moved. The ceilings and carpets in the front part of the house will have to wait until we get moved.

To top that off, Alex seems to have gotten Lyme Disease! He has the big bulls eye rash on his upper back, he has a fever, and is extremely lethargic. I took him to the urgent care clinic Sunday noon as soon as we got back to Shawnee and the doctor wouldn’t even look at him. She said they don’t diagnose Lyme Disease, but she’d be happy to see him in her office on Monday. Well he can see his own doctor on Monday! DUH!

Rodeo Kids was cancelled for Sunday because of all the rain. I’m fine with that. We had so much other stuff going on all weekend, it let us take a breather Sunday afternoon. It’s almost better to get back to work so I can rest!

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