Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moving Stinks!

The kids start school tomorrow and we're still packing up the house to get everything moved. I remember when we moved into our current house I swore I wouldn't be moving again. But the city encroached on us with over 5,000 new houses in just in our neighborhood and it's time to get back to the country.

As I pack, I start to wonder why I have more books than the local library, more sewing machines than the store, and clothes that there is NO WAY I will ever wear again because the style is, uhm, so 90's!! Talk about a good time to start putting things on Freecycle!

Kim let me know about a trail ride in Missouri over the Labor Day holiday. I just sent off our deposit and really look forward to going. Course Wally said we have to be completely moved in order to go...can you say INCENTIVE!?!

He is buying Kim's horse Sage who is also Clementine's mom. She's a beautiful paint who has been used for trick riding. I think the two of them will do great together. Now we're a family of paint horse riders. I always have loved a well colored horse.

Now I just have to get the vet up to do Dakota's vaccinations, coggins test and health certificate. Kim had his feet done last Thursday so we're ready to go!

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